Saturday, May 21, 2011

What's Blooming in Chicago on May 21

Viburnum x rhytidophyllloides
Trollius europaeus 'Superbus'

Trollius europaeus 'Superbus'

I have been posting individual pictures of blooming plants.  I've posted the pictures of the plants because I like the plants (color, shape, etc.) and have posted the pictures on the days that the plants were blooming with the thought that the blog could serve as a reference if you were looking for a plant with a particular bloom time for your garden. Blooming on May 21 are Trollius europaeus 'Superbus' and Viburnum x rhytidophylloides.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Euphorbia and Parrot Tulips

My tulips finally have bloomed.  It has been a cold and rainy spring.  I like this combination of Euphorbia polychroma and parrot tulips (Apricot Parrot).